Welcome to my blog,

I’m Sebastiano Ferraris, a senior data scientist at Kpler, one of the most exciting data-driven global trade intelligence scale-up on the planet!

At Kpler I am part of the Risk and Compliance team where I work and learn with top notch analysts, developers and researchers.

In my spare time I like to brush up the basics and explore a varied range of topics in geospatial data science with particular focus on algorithms, mathematics and coding practices.

Sometimes the results of these explorations can become blog post in the personal blog you are reading right now.

All my posts are aimed at be as straightforward, practical and hands-on as possible, so as to give you the possibility of reproducing all that is shown.

The blog is created with with Quarto and deployed on github pages. You can find the source code here.

For comments and licencing, please look under:

To know more about myself, you can also find two versions of my CV:

The image in this page is The Apparition, painted by Chagall in 1925.