Welcome to my blog,

I’m Sebastiano Ferraris, I’m a senior data scientist at Kpler and this is my personal blog about Geospatial Data Science.

Here I am sharing some tutorials and small projects about geospatial data science with particular focus on algorithms, mathematics and coding practices.

All my posts are aimed at be as practical and hands-on as possible, so as to give you the possibility of reproducing all that is shown.

The blog you are reading is made with Quarto and deployed on github pages. You can find the source code here.

All the posts and content created in this blog are licenced under CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED.

If you want to get in touch, please drop me an email, or connect on linkedin. I am nowhere to be found on X, Facebook, Instagram or other social networks.

You can also find two versions of my CV:


There are no public comment sections. This is a deliberate choice, as I can not commit to their moderation with enough consistency.

Nonetheless any comment, suggestion and feedback you would like to share with me, postive or negative is very welcome. Please drop me an email (you can find it on my github profile). I do not guarantee to answer in short time, though I promise to do all what I can to answer to you in due course. Any contribution that will be integrated into the blog, from entire ideas for new blog posts, to typos and corrections will be acknowledged at the bottom of each post.

All the images and articles are created by the author, unless otherwise specified.

In this page there is an example of an otherwise specified one. It is The Apparition, painted by Chagall in 1925.