Summarise large datasets with spatio-temporal bins

A case study with the Geolife dataset

pings binning
dataset “profile”

June 25, 2024

It can be impractical or useless to try to show all the data on a map when investigating a large dataset of pings, i.e. the points of a trajectory having latitude, longitude and timestamp as its attributes.

In his blog post I present a simple trick to aggregate pings into spatio-temporal bins, leveraging on the ubiquitous Uber H3 Spatial Indexing. This helps visualizing where and when a dataset is distributed on a map, producing visualisations like the one below:

This example uses the open source Geolife dataset: after parsing it and adding a minimal EDA, I bin all the pings in space with H3, and in time with a fixed length time window. In the last step the resulting dataset profile is then plotted with KeplerGl.

As for any of the posts in this blog, the text is sourced directly from a jupyter notebook, and all the results are reproducible with your local python environment.



To create the .gif animation on mac, take a scree recording with a software like QuickTime player, then following this guide, run the command:

ffmpeg -i -pix_fmt rgb8 -r 10 output.gif && gifsicle -O3 output.gif -o output.gif

Making sure that you have ffmpeg and gifsicle installed beforehand:

brew install ffmpeg
brew install gifsicle

Python environment setup

Create a virtualenvironment and install the required libraries.

Suggested lightweight method:

virtualenv venv -p python3.11
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r

Where the requirement file is sourced directly from the repository, and contains the following libraries and their pinned dependencies:


You can look under requirements.txt in the repository for the pinned dependency tree.

import datetime as dt
import io
import zipfile
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path

import altair as alt
import geopandas as gpd
import git
import h3
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
from IPython.display import Image
from shapely import Polygon
from tqdm import tqdm'dark_background')

KEPLER_OUTPUT = False  # for blog visualisation: set to true if running on jupyter notebook

Download the dataset

The dataset can be downloaded manually, or running the following commands:

url_download_geolife_dataset = ""

    path_root = Path(git.Repo(Path().cwd(), search_parent_directories=True).git.rev_parse("--show-toplevel"))
except (git.exc.InvalidGitRepositoryError, ModuleNotFoundError):
    path_root = Path().cwd()
path_data_folder = path_root / "z_data" 
path_data_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

path_unzipped_dataset = path_data_folder / "Geolife Trajectories 1.3"

if not path_unzipped_dataset.exists():
    r = requests.get(url_download_geolife_dataset)
    z = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content))

print("Dataset ready")
Dataset ready

Load the dataset

The folder structure of the Geolife dataset is not as linear as it could be.

  • The trajectories are divided into 182 folders numbered from 000 to 181.
  • Each folder contains a subfolder called Trajectory containing a series of .plt files.
  • Some folders also contain a file called labels.txt, containing time intervals and transportation modes.
  • There are two different datetime formats.
  • Within the zip folder there is also a pdf file with the dataset description.

To load the files I implemented a class to load the files and enrich them with the labels when they are available. The time formats are converted to pandas datetimes1.

The main parser method has also a boolean flag parse_only_if_labels. False by default, when set to True only the files with the labels are parsed.

# Columns names




    "latitude",  # degrees
    "longitude",  # degrees
    "altitude",  # meters (int)
    "timestamp",  # UNIX (int)
    "transport",  # only if the labels.txt file is there

# Format codes

LABELS_FC = "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"
TRAJECTORY_FC = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

class GeoLifeDataLoader:
    def __init__(self, path_to_geolife_folder: str | Path) -> None:
        self.pfo_geolife = path_to_geolife_folder
        pfo_data = Path(self.pfo_geolife) / "Data"
        self.dir_per_subject: dict[int, Path] = {int( f for f in pfo_data.iterdir() if f.is_dir()}

    def to_pandas_per_device(
        device_number: int,
    ) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame]:
        path_to_device_folder = self.dir_per_subject[device_number]
        pfo_trajectory = path_to_device_folder / "Trajectory"
        pfi_labels = path_to_device_folder / "labels.txt"
        df_labels = None
        df_trajectory = None

        list_trajectories = [plt_file for plt_file in pfo_trajectory.iterdir() if str(plt_file).endswith(".plt")]
        list_dfs = []
        for traj in tqdm(list_trajectories, leave=leave_progressbar):
            df_sourced = pd.read_csv(traj, skiprows=6, names=COLS_TRAJECTORY, usecols=COLS_TRAJECTORY_TO_LOAD)
            df_sourced["altitude"] = df_sourced["altitude"].apply(lambda x: x * 0.3048)  # feets to meters
            df_sourced["timestamp"] = df_sourced.apply(
                lambda x: dt.datetime.strptime(x["date"] + " " + x["time"], TRAJECTORY_FC),
            df_sourced = df_sourced.assign(entity_id=f"device_{device_number}", transport=None)
            df_sourced = df_sourced[COLS_RESULTS]
        df_trajectory = pd.concat(list_dfs)

        if pfi_labels.exists():
            df_labels = pd.read_csv(pfi_labels, sep="\t")
            df_labels.columns = COLS_LABELS
            df_labels["start_time"] = df_labels["start_time"].apply(lambda x: dt.datetime.strptime(x, LABELS_FC))
            df_labels["end_time"] = df_labels["end_time"].apply(lambda x: dt.datetime.strptime(x, LABELS_FC))
        if df_labels is not None:
            for _, row in tqdm(df_labels.iterrows(), leave=leave_progressbar):
                mask = (df_trajectory.timestamp > row.start_time) & (df_trajectory.timestamp <= row.end_time)
                df_trajectory.loc[mask, "transport"] = row["transportation_mode"]

        return df_trajectory, df_labels

    def to_pandas(self, parse_only_if_labels: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
        list_dfs_final = []
        for idx in tqdm(self.dir_per_subject.keys()):
            df_trajectory, df_labels = self.to_pandas_per_device(idx, leave_progressbar=False)
            if parse_only_if_labels:
                if df_labels is not None:
        return pd.concat(list_dfs_final)

Load and save to parquet

To speed up next loading phase, I save to parquet after loading from the .plt files the first time.

In this way it will take less time to reload the dataset to continue the analysis.

path_complete_parquet = path_data_folder / "GeolifeTrajectories.parquet"

if not path_complete_parquet.exists():
    # this takes about 5 minutes
    gdl = GeoLifeDataLoader(path_unzipped_dataset)
    df_geolife = gdl.to_pandas(parse_only_if_labels=True)
    df_geolife = df_geolife.reset_index(drop=True)
# this takes 2 seconds (MAC book air, 8GB RAM)
df_geolife = pd.read_parquet(path_complete_parquet)
(24876977, 6)
entity_id latitude longitude altitude timestamp transport
0 device_135 39.974294 116.399741 149.9616 2009-01-03 01:21:34 None
1 device_135 39.974292 116.399592 149.9616 2009-01-03 01:21:35 None
2 device_135 39.974309 116.399523 149.9616 2009-01-03 01:21:36 None
3 device_135 39.974320 116.399588 149.9616 2009-01-03 01:21:38 None
4 device_135 39.974365 116.399730 149.6568 2009-01-03 01:21:39 None

Exploratory data analysis (EDA)

map_unique_values = {}
for col in df_geolife.columns:
    map_unique_values.update({col: df_geolife[col].nunique()})
df_unique_values = pd.Series(map_unique_values).to_frame(name="unique values")
del map_unique_values
unique values
entity_id 182
latitude 4698617
longitude 4839004
altitude 987052
timestamp 17994493
transport 11
sum_na = df_geolife.isna().sum()
sum_na_perc = ((100 * df_geolife.isna().sum()) / len(df_geolife)).apply(lambda x: f"{round(x, 1)} %")
pd.concat([sum_na.to_frame(name="num nan"), sum_na_perc.to_frame(name="percentage")], axis=1)
num nan percentage
entity_id 0 0.0 %
latitude 0 0.0 %
longitude 0 0.0 %
altitude 0 0.0 %
timestamp 0 0.0 %
transport 19442892 78.2 %
print(f"time covered:           {df_geolife['timestamp'].min()} -> {df_geolife['timestamp'].max()}")
print(f"Number of devices:      {len(df_geolife['entity_id'].unique())}")
print(f"Number of pings:        {len(df_geolife)}")
print(f"Avg pings per device:   {round( len(df_geolife) / len(df_geolife['entity_id'].unique()) , 2):_}")
time covered:           2000-01-01 23:12:19 -> 2012-07-27 08:31:20
Number of devices:      182
Number of pings:        24876977
Avg pings per device:   136_686.69
se_devices_count = df_geolife["entity_id"].value_counts().sort_values(ascending=False)

ax =
ax.plot(np.random.normal(1, 0.03, size=len(se_devices_count)), se_devices_count.to_numpy(), 'r.', alpha=0.8)
ax.set_ylabel("Number of pings per entity id (log)")

quantiles = se_devices_count.quantile([.25, .5, .75]).to_list()
print(f"quantiles: {quantiles[0]} - {quantiles[1]} - {quantiles[2]}" )
quantiles: 3359.0 - 35181.5 - 143041.5

Examine the outliers

print(f"longitude interval: {df_geolife['longitude'].min()}, {df_geolife['longitude'].max()}")
print(f"latitude interval: {df_geolife['latitude'].min()}, {df_geolife['latitude'].max()}")

df_lon_out_of_range = df_geolife[(df_geolife['longitude'] > 180) | (df_geolife['longitude'] < -180)]
df_lat_out_of_range = df_geolife[(df_geolife['latitude'] > 90) | (df_geolife['latitude'] < -90)]
print(f"Number of longitudes out of range {len(df_lon_out_of_range)} ({round(100 * len(df_lon_out_of_range) / len(df_geolife), 10)} %)")
print(f"Number of latitudes out of range  {len(df_lat_out_of_range)}  ({round(100 * len(df_lat_out_of_range) / len(df_geolife), 10)} %)")
longitude interval: -179.9695933, 179.9969416
latitude interval: 1.044024, 64.751993
Number of longitudes out of range 0 (0.0 %)
Number of latitudes out of range  0  (0.0 %)

There is only one ping outside the standard lat-lon range.

  • In general out of range pings has to be considered individually to understand their origin. They can be legit and going out of range when the device is crossing the antimeridian, or they can be the result of a faulty correction algorithm, or a faulty data type conversion, or other unknown unknowns.
  • In the examined case we have only one point that is out of range. The goal of this post is creating a profile for a dataset, so I dropped the outlier without feeling too guilty about it!
df_geolife = df_geolife[(df_geolife['longitude'] <= 180) & (df_geolife['longitude'] >= -180) & (df_geolife['latitude'] <= 90) & (df_geolife['latitude'] >= -90)]

Space-time binning with H3

In this section I:

  • Bin the dataset in time with a fixed time interval.
  • Bin the dataset in space with h3.
  • Combine the time and space indexes in a bin index.
  • Group by the pings over the index and compute their size.
  • Use h3 to add the geometry of each row, turning the dataframe into a geodataframe.
# 2 mins 50
df_geolife["time_bins"] = df_geolife.set_index("timestamp").index.floor(TIME_RESOLUTION)
df_geolife["h3"] = df_geolife.apply(lambda row: h3.geo_to_h3(row["latitude"], row["longitude"], H3_RESOLUTION), axis=1)

entity_id latitude longitude altitude timestamp transport time_bins h3
0 device_135 39.974294 116.399741 149.9616 2009-01-03 01:21:34 None 2009-01-02 8831aa5555fffff
1 device_135 39.974292 116.399592 149.9616 2009-01-03 01:21:35 None 2009-01-02 8831aa5555fffff
2 device_135 39.974309 116.399523 149.9616 2009-01-03 01:21:36 None 2009-01-02 8831aa5555fffff
3 device_135 39.974320 116.399588 149.9616 2009-01-03 01:21:38 None 2009-01-02 8831aa5555fffff
4 device_135 39.974365 116.399730 149.6568 2009-01-03 01:21:39 None 2009-01-02 8831aa5555fffff
# 30 seconds
df_bins_space_time = pd.Series(df_geolife["time_bins"].astype(str) + "_" +  df_geolife["h3"]).to_frame(name="bins").groupby("bins").size().to_frame(name="count")
1999-12-31_8831aa50c5fffff 2
1999-12-31_8831aa50cdfffff 1
2007-04-11_8831aa5017fffff 1
2007-04-11_8831aa5023fffff 1
2007-04-11_8831aa5027fffff 1
df_bins_space_time["timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime( x: x.split("_")[0]))
df_bins_space_time["h3"] = x: x.split("_")[1])
count timestamp h3
1999-12-31_8831aa50c5fffff 2 1999-12-31 8831aa50c5fffff
1999-12-31_8831aa50cdfffff 1 1999-12-31 8831aa50cdfffff
2007-04-11_8831aa5017fffff 1 2007-04-11 8831aa5017fffff
2007-04-11_8831aa5023fffff 1 2007-04-11 8831aa5023fffff
2007-04-11_8831aa5027fffff 1 2007-04-11 8831aa5027fffff
# 15 seconds - 1.2million rows
geometry=list(df_bins_space_time["h3"].apply(lambda x: Polygon(h3.h3_to_geo_boundary(x, geo_json=True))))
gdf_bins_space_time = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df_bins_space_time, geometry=geometry)
(394264, 4)
count timestamp h3 geometry
1999-12-31_8831aa50c5fffff 2 1999-12-31 8831aa50c5fffff POLYGON ((116.32271 39.9925, 116.32038 39.9884...
1999-12-31_8831aa50cdfffff 1 1999-12-31 8831aa50cdfffff POLYGON ((116.32234 39.99982, 116.32001 39.995...
2007-04-11_8831aa5017fffff 1 2007-04-11 8831aa5017fffff POLYGON ((116.30762 39.99021, 116.30529 39.986...
2007-04-11_8831aa5023fffff 1 2007-04-11 8831aa5023fffff POLYGON ((116.27782 39.97829, 116.2755 39.9742...
2007-04-11_8831aa5027fffff 1 2007-04-11 8831aa5027fffff POLYGON ((116.27047 39.97348, 116.26814 39.969...

Dataset profile visualisation

Now that we have the the geolife dataset binned in space and time we can visualise the results with KeplerGl.

import json
from pathlib import Path, PosixPath

from keplergl import KeplerGl

class KeplerConfigManager:
    """Save, load and list config files for KeplerGl""" 
    def __init__(self, path_to_folder: PosixPath | None= None):
        if path_to_folder is None:
            path_to_folder = Path().cwd() / "kepler_configs"
        self.path_to_folder = path_to_folder
        self.path_to_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    def _check_name(name_config: str):
        if name_config.endswith(".json"):
            raise ValueError("Name of the config must not include the extension '.json' .")
    def _parse_name(self, name_config: str) -> PosixPath:
        return self.path_to_folder / (name_config + ".json")

    def list_available_configs(self):
        return [f.stem for f in self.path_to_folder.glob("*.json")]

    def save_config(self, k_map: KeplerGl, name_config: str):
        with self._parse_name(name_config).open("w+", encoding="UTF-8") as file_target: 
            json.dump(k_map.config, file_target, indent=4)
    def load_config(self, name_config: str):
        return json.loads(self._parse_name(name_config).read_text(encoding="UTF-8"))
kcm = KeplerConfigManager()
config_map = kcm.load_config("configs_map_binning")

    map1 = KeplerGl(
                "hex_binning": gdf_bins_space_time[gdf_bins_space_time["timestamp"].dt.year > 2008].reset_index(drop=True).drop(columns=["h3"]),  # limit to the first 200_000

if False:  # overwrite kepler map configs
    kcm.save_config(map1, "configs_map_binning")


  1. For a refresher about datetime manipulation, here is an detailed tutorial on this topic.↩︎